I'm going to try blogging

I'm trying to get away from social media. I don't use Facebook or Instagram but I spend way too much time on hackernews. I've started streaming[1] to keep myself off it but I think the other reason is because I don't have anywhere to share my ideas. There's the joke that people sometimes make when they see particularly opinionated posts ("how do I unsubscribe from your blog?") telling people like me that we should be doing this instead, so here I am.

You're welcome to send comments to blog+swiley@swiley.net.

[1] I'm "swileydotnet" on twitch. It's mostly hours of me staring at EDA CAD software and package managers and mumbling about how it's not working and I'm not too sure what to do now.

Author: swiley

Created: 2021-07-10 Sat 16:42
