Webthing ==== A very basic unix web toolkit. In the end I would like to make something that lets you add the web to your workflow rather than a webbrowser where you do your work on the web. It should be oriented around open decentralized community pages rather than as a tool for coorperations to inject their software into your personal computer Form editing and submision works but searching duck duck go doesn't (because of a non standard redirect) you can use the ? command to see a list of commands. The browser can be used in scripts by passing commands as arguments. (so anything you can do interactively can be done from a script) Future feature ideas (in no order): 1) write a cgi proxy to handle caching, transformations, and javascrpt. This will let other tools interact with the session. (problems with this include: database syncronisation, and sharing the connection pool accross requests(processes) which we'll ignore for now.) 2) javascript would be cool. 3) fix non standard redirects. 4) css ##Warning This is by no means complete. While I occasionally run valgrind's memcheck over it there are plenty of memory coruption bugs and loose ends. It's very much just an experament and shouldn't be seriously used.